Saturday 8 January 2011


Hey Everyone

So as most of you know, I'm off travelling tomorrow to South America, Australasia and South-East Asia for the best part of the next 8 months. I will be taking a blackberry with me (but hope to use it as little as possible), as well as a South American phone (I will post numbers & details on here when I get it) and I also have skype (emma.huberman) - so no excuses for not keeping in contact with me!!

But seeing as everyone does a blog when they go travelling, I thought I'd follow the trend and set one up too so that I can keep you all up to date with all my trips, stories and adventures as I go along & will probably update it at least once a week.

I'm just packing as we speak (last minute I know) and at the moment I have a bag weighing about 40 kilos, and the thought of halving what I have already packed + taking out most of my makeup/toiletries/jewlerry/straightners  is very scary thought, but everyones told me I'm going to turn into such a Bohemian hippie that soon enough I'm not even gonna care about any of that stuff (hmmm, we'll see...)

At the moment, Im feeling 95% excited and 5% apprehensive, which I'm guessing is entirely normal. My biggest fear is that of being totally independent and especially after being so sheltered from the real world by my upbringing in North West London, I'm sure I am going to find it a real culture shock, but in many ways becomming so independent and able to fend completely for myself is probably the thing I'm most excited to achieve. Its 3:00am now so I should probably go to sleep as I have a lot of very emotional goodbyes to be saying tomorrow.

Lots of Love,

Em xxxx

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