Friday 28 January 2011

Week 2 & 3 - Argentina and Uruguay

Okay so as I´m writing this I have makeup dripping down my face, wet hair and am covered in confetti, spray paint, foam and silly string. I´ve just got back from Uruguay Carnival and it was amazing, but onto that later

So Hello hello, how are you all? if you´re reading this you probably mean a lot to me and so I miss you lots and hope alls good with you, and that January has so far been good. But enough about you, you´re on this to find out what Ive been up to and apologies for the delay in this blog, Ive just been ultra busy and enjoying myself.

So, I left you after just arriving in Bariloche and Bariloche is the most amazing place. We went to amazing steak houses, a tour of the town, a DIY chocolate tour where we visited bout 100 chocolaterias and scoffed ourselves silly. (dont worry I found diet chocolate, who knows what the hell that is, but it tasted amazing, so im sure if cant have been healthy, but the name made me feel good) We also went kayaking on the lake which was hard but fun (I got paired with a large Brazilian man who was more than happy to row away while I was taking photos and relazing in the sun). so more fun than hard for me really.

Then we went horseriding and it honestly was the most traumatising experience of my life. everyone made out that horseriding in bariloche was stunning, relaxing and enjoyable, but unfortunately the guides spoke zero english and so when our horses were galloping and cantoring along, all we could do was cling on for our dear lives and scream at the guides to stop, but the guides understood zero english and thought we were enjoying ourselves so galloped on ahead leaving all of us screaming and crying as our horses raced like maniacs along the fields. I honestly must have done some permanent damage to my horse the way I was absolutely tugging on the reigns and at one point when it stopped I actually thought I may have strangled it, but sadly my fatty horse was just stopping to eat and when it was satisfied, it carried on flying through the fields and ignored all my attempts of kicking and pulling to make it stop. You wont be suprised to hear that when we were asked at the end if we wanted to do jumps and gallop at a faster speed I jumped off my horse like there was no tomorrow. The positive of the day was that we got an amazing lunch by the lake and after some serious complaining to the company, we were given free tickets up the cable car to the highest point in bariloche with a rotating cafe the next day, which was nice, but little consolation to the trauma of the day before.

After Bariloche we caught a 25 hour bus to Buenos Aries and were thankfully able to upgrade to first class which made it that little bit better. Buenos Aries is incredible and by far the best city Ive ever visited. Its got such a buzzing atmosphere, amazing shops, amazing street life and such pretty towns. On the first night we went to a Tango show, where we had a tango lesson followed by dinner while we watched the show. I can now officially do the simple tango steps which I´ll be showing off when I´m back, now just gotta find some Brazilian hunk to practise them with! The show was amazing, despite the majority of the female dancers being men, but the incredible dance moves distracted from their bobbing adams apples. I dont want this blog to drag on, so in short, in the next few days in Buenos Aries, we visited the famous cemetary where Evita is buried, and each grave is literally like a full-on tomb, went to the Boca Junior football stadium, the government square where people are still protesting from the Falklands war and La Boca and San Telmo, which are local towns with loads of markets, restraunts and people literally tangoing on the streets. Oh and more importantly, I´ve met my match with one of the girls on the tour, and we spent an entire afternoon in MAC in Buenos Aries and at the massive shopping centre, eating frozen yogurtr. heaven. About the people again, we have gained some new people from Buenos Aries and everyone is so lovely, getting along with everyone and got really close to some Australian girls. Feels weird I´ve only known them 2 weeks, yet get on really well and they feel like people at home - and already at the sitting round chatting in towels and weeing with the door open stage!

Onto Uruguay. We got a ferry here a couple of days ago and spent the first night in a small town called Colonia, where we basically just spent the day walking round the town, climbed the lighthouse, went to more markets, which equals more shmutters and went for dinner at a Uruguian restraunt. I ordered the house meat platter, as the tour guide (who is an absolute total idiot/lost cause by the way and we call Manwell (from Faulty towers) because, although he tries so hard and means well, he just cannot seem to get anything right. we cant help but laugh) told everyone to order it as it had the best steak, chicken and lamb. I thought it tasted a bit funny at the start, but he said it was just the uruguan way of cooking it, but after we asked the waiter, we found out it was a mixture of blood sausage, kidney, liver, brain and intestine. LOVELY.

With a bit of a queasy stomach, onto Montevideo, where I am now, which has been nonstop. Arrived yesterday, when we looked round the town and did a bit of shopping and last night we went to a championship football match about half an hour away between Gremio (a Brazilian team, which Ronaldinio played for in his youth, if you care) and Liverpool (a Uruguian team). It was mental. Not that I know anything about football, offside rule shmoffside rule to me, but the fans were incredible. All so passionate, so drunk and so friendly and on the most part, very very good looking. I cheered and booed and stood up and gasped at all the wrong points, but had such a good night, sat with loads of locals and got into the true South American spirit and passion that only a football match could really show you. It was a draw, which was a big win for Urugay and so spirits were high in the town and so we went out for the night to some bars and dancing and kareoke places and everyone was just pissed and happy.

Today we went to Punta del Este, 2 hours away from Montevideo, and what grandma Pam described as Marbella of Uruguay - and so it was, really upmarket, nice shops, good restraunts and amazing beaches. It was 38 degrees which was really absolutely boiling and so a perfect beach day. And tonight we got back for Uruguay carnival, which is basically a mini version of Rio Carnival. It was amazing. Loads of performers, a massive parade and thousands and thousands of people all dancing, shouting and spraying foam, paint and confeetti at each other. So that leads me to how I started this post, soaked and filthy and in desperate need of a shower and some sleep!!

Off to Salto tomorrow, for chocolate massage and waterpark and then onto Iguassu Falls and Brazil. Super pumped for the next few weeks, having the best time ever and of course missing you all.

Loads of hugs and kisses,

same old em, (no new piercings or tatoos....yet)

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